“When purpose, mission, and importance is clear and understood by everyone a true team culture will be created, leading to organizational effectiveness at its highest level.”
Why am I part of this organization or team? What purpose do I play? The answer to those two questions might seem to be obvious to some but the reality is many employees are not clear on either one of them. In most cases clarity of purpose must be communicated verbally. Expecting the answers to be clear by just reading an employee manual or notebook is a risk you should not be willing to take. The confusion and multiple interpretations that can come from just reading may delay if not derail a team member from hitting the ground running.
What is my exact mission? How does my mission benefit the organization? An individuals mission will more than likely change quite often. As new projects come, new goals are made, as the organization grows the mission can change, making it crucial that each and every person knows what his or her mission is. And if that mission changes, they need to know what the change is. If they don’t, job performance will slip and effort levels will diminish.
Without question the most important of the three. No matter how big or small their responsibility is, it makes no difference if today is their first day on the job or they have more experience than anyone in the organization, if you want their best effort everyday they must believe they are important to the success of the organization. If a team member doesn’t believe they are important to the organization you will never get a sustainable high level of effort.
Some organizations make the mistake of striving for equal importance, it’s just not possible and it’s not necessary. To use a sports analogy, the rookie back-up linebacker of the New England Patriots who only gets in the game during kick off and punt returns, he does not need to believe he is as important as the 3 time NFL Most Valuable Player and 5 time Super Bowl champion quarterback Tom Brady. He just has to be convinced that his role is an important one. Again, the person that takes the trash out once everyone has went home or replaces the light bulbs in the offices might not seem important but think of how disruptive to the organization it would be if they didn’t do their job. When everyone believes their task, their responsibility plays an important part in the success of the organization you will see a new level of commitment, effort and productivity.
If you want to develop a true team culture where everyone
is giving their very best for the betterment of the organization as a whole be sure everyone has a clarity of purpose, a defined mission, and a belief of importance. Once you have accomplished those three things be prepared to see a clear and measurable difference in everyone involved.