“It’s not enough to have the next great idea, you must be willing and able to convince, connect, build and generate support.”
You’ve got the perfect idea. You know exactly how to
improve your company’s efficiency and bottom line. Only problem is you have to persuade the powers to be that your idea is worth implementing.
Many of the best ideas never make it past the boardroom because they were poorly presented. So, before you present your next big idea, consider these strategies to help get everyone on board.
Don’t wait until you’re 20 minutes or 5 pages into your presentation to let everyone know what your goal is. Be sure that the gist of your proposal is one of the first things you cover. It will be much easier for your listeners to follow the path you have set out if they know where you’re going.
This is no time to dance around the issue. The last thing you want is for there to be any confusion. Help zero in your listeners’ focus by being specific, with as little unnecessary data and vague words as possible. Remember, focus is time sensitive, your idea has a lot better chance of acceptance if it is void of a bunch of side bar issues.
Keep in mind; your audience may have a vested interest in the status quo. Nothing will alienate their support quicker than trashing what is in place now, especially if it was implemented by them.
Less time spent on what is wrong with the current system and more time on the benefits of your idea. Make your case using facts and figures that demonstrate savings or improved performance.
Even though you have come up with a great idea it still has some drawbacks. Every idea does. If you can state those shortcomings up front and provide ways to work around them you can silence possible detractors before they even speak up.